Sugar & Spice & All Things Nice!

A few of Lesley’s treasured cookery books, wooden gingerbread tin moulds and her spice tin…

Twelfth night biscuits
Twelfth night biscuits

A Spotlight on Our Lovely Retailers

This month we would like to present:

Edge Tea & Coffee

Edgecumbes, The Old Barn, Ford Lane, Ford, Arundel
West Sussex
BN18 0DF

01243 555775

Just the place to go for fabulous tea, coffee and food, plus a little bit of shopping in their store! This popular cafe attracts people from far and wide. Whatever time we deliver our biscuits and gingerbread to them, we always find them busy.

village greens farm shop
village greens farm shop

Their cafe also serves delicious cream teas, in addition to morning snacks and lunchtime treats.

The business began roasting coffee 40 years ago, in 1981.
Their shop stocks local produce, alongside their own coffee.

Old Recipe Corner

There are so many unusual recipes and ingredients in Lesley’s collection of old cookery books and manuscripts…

This rather interesting recipe/’prescription’ looks as though Elsie would have been drinking quite a lot of gin (depending on the size of her wine glass) during the day.

We wonder if she had it before or during breakfast!

Don’t try this one at home if you drive a car!

Prescription For Elsie:

1/2 oz Caraway seeds put in a clean saucepan and cover well with water. Let it get to a boil and then simmer gently for 2 hours.

Next, strain through a muslin or gauze and let it cool.

After this, pour in 1/2 quarten of Hollands Gin and the juice of one lemon.

Mix with the water you strain off from the Caraway seeds when cooled to finish it off.

Take a wine glass full night and morning but be sure there are no Caraway seeds or lemon pips hiding!